May 20, 2007

Introduction to 'Out of Iraq'

You could find a hundred reasons why the US should begin immediately withdrawing our forces from Iraq. But you will not see them articulated on tv news shows, by pundits, or by newspaper editorial writers.

'Out of Iraq' identifies these reasons as they become clear by the evidence presented by trustworthy reports, but also by arguments of logical consequences supported by facts. Many reports come in the form of bits and pieces from different sources as varied as language. Some come from bloggers who live or report currently in Iraq, or Iraqis who have come to the US to study journalism. Some are from those who travel extensively in the Mideast and write their observations and conclusions for publication in books and journals, and others from our professors and former diplomats.

It seemed about time to put all the reasons together, both new ones becoming clear today and in the future, as well as those already articulated.

My former work on Iraq will be posted as well, first 'diaried' on the Daily Kos site.

Don't forget to come back to see Reason #2. Check back also for new links which will be added in the coming days and weeks.

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